A Creative Drought

So this is something that I’ve been struggling with lately after about six different video ideas failed miserably. Welcome, to this post which is going to be soaked in self-pity, first world problems, plenty of self-reflection and looking down on myself. Now doesn’t that sound thrilling and exciting to read? No? Oh well, good thing this is my blog and you’re able to just click off, I’ve actually gotta sit here writing it…

Creative droughts are something that I’m certain every artist or creator goes through at some point. For me, it’s almost every winter since the chemical reactions in my body brought on by the darkening nights, grey weather and general lack of vitamin D make it very hard to focus on one thing and really get anything done. For example, this is the third day I’ve sat down to just write something here.

Right, that last paragraph reminded me to take a vitamin tablet which I have now done and am now back to actually start talking about having a creative drought. The main goal with this post is to essentially debate myself with the hope that it’ll get me making content again and though that help you potentially if you’re struggling to get through the obstacles your own mind creates. If you wanna get fully into my mind while reading, put some Protest The Hero on since that’s what I’m currently listening to!

Okay, so what is a creative drought and how can we best tackle it in order to become the opposite, creative abundance shall we say? Not sure if that means anything remotely to do with what I intend for it to mean but that does not matter! We are here to get out a creative rut.

The first thing I’m going to do is look back to the last time I felt creative and see if we recreate the steps that I took to get into that frame of mind beforehand. However, the issue I can see with this is that I can’t actually remember a time I was purposefully creative. Which sounds incredibly weird when I look at my video count on YouTube which is in the hundreds now. I must have been creative at some point in order to make all of that, you’d hope at least…

This is all leading me to believe that I’m either a zombie (or walker) that makes stuff without realising it or I’m being too hard on myself for going through natural ups and downs. I choose to believe the zombie one personally. So where does that leave this post? Well, I’ve basically not really said anything throughout this entire thing so let amend that with a damn good outro.

If you are experiencing this sort of thing then I’d advise you to take a step back from the frustration, maybe write a blog post because I feel I could land on the moon now and think about everything involved with what’s causing the particular rut that you’re in. The one thing I’d say to remember is that sometimes the best stuff comes out of complete spontaneity which unfortunately can’t be bottled up and recreated.

So here comes the end of the post. I hope you at least enjoyed this in some way and hope to see you soon. Go subscribe to my channel and have a great whatever time of day it is for you!

Matty Green

Personal Post | Pushing into Projects

Hey everyone!

Welcome back after a long break from posting on my blog. I’m not going to lie, I burnt myself out a bit with the amount of posts I released in a short amount of time but now, I’m back and ready to come out swinging with a post all about me! So, lean back into your chair, grab your drink and get your eyes ready to read the words I’m about to write, or in your case have already written. Onward’s!

The YouTube channel I have with my girlfriend, Mess Music is running well and slowly growing. We recently released our debut single Judgement (you can watch it below and you really should) and it’s done better than I predicted so I’m very happy with the outcome! As well as that, we’ve been releasing regular videos and have gotten into schedule that works for us. Final shameless self promotion, watch the video below and go subscribe to us!

Right! Now for the stuff coming in the future and other things interesting things. I think we need a bullet point list to make it easy and readable…

  • The singer for Mess Music is currently on holiday so once he’s back more songs will be coming through. A lot of songs are ready for vocals so hopefully there will be a lot of tracks coming through very soon.
  • We do have a cover, that I’m not ready to reveal yet, finished and ready to make a video for. It’s an old song and it sounds amazing so hopefully it’ll be out within a few months! The video planned is going to be awesome and Jess (my girlfriend), is in charge of shooting it as well has staring in it. Want a clue? Well, I don’t give clues!
  • I’m still managing Lewis James and we’re currently working on his upcoming E.P. which will be released soon. As well as that I’ll be talking a lot about him when everything starts falling into place, big things are coming for him!
  • Jess and I started skating so been relearning how to not fall off a skateboard!

And that’s the majority of things coming, lots to be excited about! Final thing is that I mentioned last time about a condition called S.A.D. For those interested, now that spring is here it becomes almost a non-issue so motivation and drive is back completely!

I believe that’s everything for now, I’ll be posting more in the coming weeks and let me know if there’s anything you want to see from me!

Thanks for reading and see you soon ❤

Matty Green:
YouTube: http://bit.ly/1lcfaAP
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1XfuNZS


Personal Post | What The New Year Brings

First things first, Happy New Year! It’s January 2nd so this may be a day late but I hope you all had a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year. I spent it either with my girlfriend or writing new songs, got a total of two new originals written and a cover in the works, all just needing vocals done! So aside from neglecting to blog because well, everything seems to stop for two weeks, I’ve been as productive as I can be.

Now, you might be thinking, what is this blog all about? I’m not reviewing anything or writing a thousand words on why sounding like a orc from Lord of the Rings should be considered singing. No this post is all about, well me! Why would I write about myself in a rather selfish and self-promoting manner? Because once a month or so I want to… Yeah, as simple as that and mainly as a milestone to myself so that I can eventually see how far things have come. So, lets dive in to some personal things that are going on.

To start, since this is a music blog let’s talk about all the things music coming up. As I said in the intro I’ve been working on a bunch of stuff throughout the holidays. Most of which will have vocals recorded by someone else (who I’m currently in talks with) and from there will be produced into music videos for the Mess Music YouTube Channel. For this month, we’re hoping to shoot a rather dramatic video for a cover of ‘Take Me To Church’ and another more basic video for my original, Judgement (working title). The music for ‘Take’ is all finished with me providing all the vocals, which is quite daunting to put out since I don’t know how people will react to the direction I’ve taken it in. Also, without spoiling it, the video itself will hopefully be really quite dark with a heartbreaking story arc to it. It’s also interesting to me to tackle it as a Christian myself since the song can be convinced as anti religion. I’ll talk about that in a post when it’s released though! Get excited for that!

My song of the month: 

I’m also working as a manager with a fantastic solo artist called Lewis James. His style is a really interesting and masterful take on acoustic music that blends complex riffs with beautiful melodies. I’m not going to talk to much about it so all I’ll say is that there’s big things coming and a release in the coming future! I will write a ton more about it when everything moves along so stay tuned for that!

As for more personal things, this is a personal post after all! We’re coming into January and February which for me personally are the hardest months to get through and hold motivation due having a condition called S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder). However, hopefully with all the good things going on, it’ll combat it. As well as having Daylight bulbs which simulate sunlight and help to reduce the effects.

Before we get too deep into that side of everything lets end of this post with the mandatory ‘New Years Resolutions’ section! I’ve only really made one personal goal and that is to stick to a weight lifting routine I’ve set myself. So far I have so lets hope that next time I’m writing one of these I’m still on it. Also my final point is that I benched 7 stone last night which is a personal best. Hopefully I’ll at least double that soon!

Thanks for reading this and hope you enjoyed this rather self indulging post. Stay awesome and stay you!

YouTube: http://bit.ly/1lcfaAP
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1XfuNZS